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Event Calendar Icons Icons for one-day reservations Day Trip Reservations Accommodation Reservation Icons Stay Plan Reservations

Week (April 8th)

  • ZENリトリート ランチ 11:00〜

    Category: Day Trips ZEN RETREAT LUNCH 11:00 -


    Experience the world of Zenbo Seinei in one day.
    A one-day trip to ZEN to get out of your daily routine and get your mind and body in shape.

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  • ZENリトリート 14:30〜

    Category: Day Trips ZEN RETREAT FROM 14:30


    Experience the world of Zenbo Seinei in one day.
    A one-day trip to ZEN to get out of your daily routine and get your mind and body in shape.

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  • ZENリトリート ランチ 11:00〜

    Category: Day Trips ZEN RETREAT LUNCH 11:00 -


    Experience the world of Zenbo Seinei in one day.
    A one-day trip to ZEN to get out of your daily routine and get your mind and body in shape.

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