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Category: Day Trips GW] ZEN CAFE


Relaxing and comfortable cafe, ZEN Wellness

A special plan that includes ZEN Wellness and tea sweets for a peaceful afternoon experience.
Japanese fermented sweets to fill your small stomach and soothe your soul!

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Category: Day Trips GW] ZEN STAY


Spend two days enjoying the Zen-inspired detox and retreat
workout program.

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2022 Miss Earth Japan Representative Mayei Matsumoto



In November 2022, Mayei Matsumoto represented Japan in Miss Earth 2022, held in the Philippines.

Her introduction video used on the day of the competition was filmed at Zenbo Seinei, among the lush, abundant nature of Awaji Island, mythical birthplace of Japan. The video spread the message not only of Japan's beautiful nature, but also of the spirit of Zen that is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. All of the staff here at Zenbo Seinei wish Mayei Matsumoto all the best with her future endeavors.

SNS: Miss Earth Japan

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