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Category: Day Trips GW] ZEN CAFE


Relaxing and comfortable cafe, ZEN Wellness

A special plan that includes ZEN Wellness and tea sweets for a peaceful afternoon experience.
Japanese fermented sweets to fill your small stomach and soothe your soul!

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Category: Day Trips GW] ZEN STAY


Spend two days enjoying the Zen-inspired detox and retreat
workout program.

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Zenbo Seinei was Featured in Casa BRUTUS' "Journey Through Architecture"!



[Master Architects] Shigeru Ban: Creating a Sense of Oneness with Nature with a Floating Wooden Structure in the Forest

Zen meditation retreat Zenbo Seinei, which aims to help guests achieve balance in body and mind through Zen-inspired experiences and gentle, healthy meals, is introduced with comments from architect Shigeru Ban, who proposes a journey through architectural masterpieces.

Zenbo Seinei Press Coverage

▼ Find more Zenbo Seinei related articles here!

▼ See here for more information on Casa BRUTUS

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