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ZENリトリート ディナー

Category: Day Trips ZEN RETREAT DINNER


The night sky and the night view of Zenbo Seinei
carefully at the end of the day

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Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga Images

A beautiful sunrise viewed from Zenbo Seinei's deck marks the beginning of a new day.

With the birds chirping and the grass waking up at dawn, we can begin to hear the sound of the sunrise.

Experience a peaceful time while soaking up the morning sun

Yoga time to refresh your thoughts and body, and fermented food to awaken your intestines.

Set yourself up for the day with a delicious and healthy Zenbo cuisine meal.

Fee: 8,000 yen (tax included)
(without breakfast)

Fee: 10,000 yen (tax included)
(with breakfast)

We look forward to welcoming you.

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