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SANTHOSHA "The Beauty of Knowing What is Enough" International Yoga Day Commemorative Yoga Retreat

SANTHOSHA Yoga Retreat

SANTHOSHA "The Beauty of Knowing What is Enough" International Yoga Day Commemorative Yoga Retreat Images

Himalayan Yoga

Himalayan yoga is unique in its use of tools and pair work
to condition and move the body beyond its typical range of motion.
This class is designed to be enjoyable for both beginners
and regular practicioners of yoga.

Classical Yoga and Breathing Exercises

In honor of International Yoga Day, 
experience a modern version of a yoga form
that was first introduced to the general public,
except for monks, in the 10th century.







Study the spirit of hospitality through
beautiful, traditional Japanese culture.

ZEN Calligraphy

ZEN Calligraphy

Every character, every stroke
of the brush speaks of peace and tranquility.
We follow the example of calligrapher Shisyu.

ZEN Aroma

ZEN Aroma

Sharpen your senses and "listen" to the fragrance.
A moment to feel peace of mind.



Day 1

16:30Check-in & Welcome Drink
17:00~17:45Zen Calligraphy
17:50~18:10Instructor Self-Introduction
Introduction to Himalayan Yoga
18:10~19:25Himalayan Yoga 60 minutes
19:30~20:30Dinner / Zenbo cuisine
20:30~21:00Q&A Session (Japanese Tea)
21:00~Free time

ー Day 2 ー

6:30Wake Up
6:45~7:15Morning Duties
7:30-8:30Classical Yoga and Breathing Exercises
8:30 - 9:00Q&A Session
9:00 - 10:00Breakfast: Zenbo Cuisine
10:30~11:00Room Cleaning

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