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Event Calendar Icons Icons for one-day reservations Day Trip Reservations Accommodation Reservation Icons Stay Plan Reservations

週 (5月 20th)

  • Body メディテーション × ZEN Stay

    Category: Accommodations Body Meditation x ZEN Stay


    Special accommodation plan to face your true self and heal your mind and body through Body Meditation incorporating Zen philosophy and the Alexander Technique

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Stay Plan


Stay Plan Images

Watch the night sky and soak up the sunrise.
A 2-day journey to heal and prepare your mind and body.

Stay Schedule


週 (5月 20th)

  • Body メディテーション × ZEN Stay

    Category: Accommodations Body Meditation x ZEN Stay


    Special accommodation plan to face your true self and heal your mind and body through Body Meditation incorporating Zen philosophy and the Alexander Technique

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Monthly special ZEN STAY images

Monthly special ZEN STAY

Monthly special ZEN STAY