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June 2024 Events in


    Category: Accommodations CLEAN BEAUTY


    Luxurious time to face yourself
    STAY PLAN to regulate your mind and body with the body make-up method that creates world-class "beauty"

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  • EtsukoKanagae×ZENSTAY

    Category: Accommodations EtsukoKanagae×ZENSTAY


    Spend two days enjoying the Zen-inspired detox and retreat
    workout program.

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  • Body メディテーション × ZEN Stay

    Category: Accommodations Body Meditation x ZEN Stay


    Special accommodation plan to face your true self and heal your mind and body through Body Meditation incorporating Zen philosophy and the Alexander Technique

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ZEN Beauty Wellness + Photography Experience

Beauty Wellness

Images of ZEN Beauty Wellness + Photography Experience

(1st Anniversary Event) ZEN Beauty Wellness Program + Photoshoot Experience with Professional Photographer

People who live honestly with themselves are beautiful and have a core.

(2 Days, 1 Night)

The way we work, the way we live, our values are diversifying.

I'm sure there are more and more choices of who you are.

It's not easy to find the person you want to be.

I tried to be more honest with myself.

I asked more deeply into my mind.

"Yes, I should live my life."

If you face yourself honestly.

You will find the person you want to be.

This program is designed to help you become self-regulating in your emotional, thought, and physical state through meditation and

How to make yourself beautiful and attractive.

A program to face oneself in total and polish one's own beauty.

 Why don't you spend 2 days at ZENBO SEINEI surrounded by nature and weave your own beauty?


We're giving away some extravagant portraits!

Posing advice will be provided by Etsuko Kanekee, who will carefully support all participants.

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