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Category: Special Events Architecture x Wellbeing


Traditional & Modern Japanese culture through the five senses

The masterpieces of internationally acclaimed architects Tadao Ando and Shigeru Ban

Visit and heal your mind and body, and enjoy a feast of architecture and gastronomy in a luxurious

We guide you to a moment. Touch the art that combines tradition and modernity,

We have prepared a special experience to sharpen your senses on an extraordinary day.

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Special Event - Yuya Sarashina Ashtanga Yoga Retreat



Ashtanga Retreat ZEN Stay

A 2 days, 1 night Ashtanga yoga retreat by Yuya Sarashina, who, alongside Ken Harakuma, is one of Japan's leading Ashtanga practitioners.

Everyone is welcome to attend, from those new to Ashtanga yoga to regular yoga practitioners.

Sarashina's exquisite asanas have been featured in numerous magazines and media. He appeared on Jounetsu Tairiku in 2018.

It is very rare for Sarashina to hold such a retreat.

We welcome those who would like to focus on their body and take the opportunity to look within themselves as a small group.

This event is a special ZEN Stay plan available to both men and women.

This retreat should not end once the two days are over.

You will have a chance to make clear in your mind what you should practice going forward, in your own home.

Each class designed to give you guidance.

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